Hey Everyone!
Welcome back to my blog.
The Student council have been planning for a while to make the class make there own game. I'm in the Student council and it took a lot of organising to plan this but we made it work. So what we started with was making a Doc and putting lots of idea's down like what are we going to use etc.. Then we made some cards like, bonus card, naughty card (if they were being naughty). If they were not doing the right thing they would have to been moved from the group. We decided to put them in groups of 5.
So after we made everything and had lots of meetings though it we decided to do a practice run, by getting some classmates. I went into the group because I wanted to know what it would be like and it was very stressful for the practice run. So we made some good changes, we changed some of the cards moved somethings around.
Then we decided it was the right time.
On Monday 9th September we did the game. Everyone was mixed up into groups and they were standing next to there cone which we placed.
They had to get a couple of people from there group and put 1 item, IN SILENCE!!! Yep we made them do that part in silence because we wanted to know what it be like, also we didn't want them saying "Oh get that item" we wanted them to pick it themselves. We had a 15 minute timer on so they were going very fast to get things done. After they got all 5 items they started to make there game. We had to give a couple of red cards out to some people and they had to do 20 pushups.
Everyone did great. After they finished and the timer went off we went around and saw everyone's game. We thought group 2 and 7 did the best job. But everyone did do great.
So you may be thinking what was the point of doing this? Well it was for the groups to work as a great team and they had to put some fitness into there game otherwise it would of been a fail for them.
Here are the photos from it: