
Thursday, August 17, 2017

This is my timetable

Monday 14Tuesday 15Wednesday 16Thursday 17Friday 18
9:00 AMSet up timetable for the week, get it checked & post on blog. mathwhizz
Mark & Kelsey is in for Cyber Smart
math pierates 
Year 7/8 Tech

Year 5/6 - Handwriting, Typing & other work
9:40 AMFitness & SnackFitness & SnackFitness & Snack
10:00 AMmathwhizzcanter math full stop and capitals
10:30Morning Tea
10:50Read & Feed
11:00 AM
Author visit
digi award mathwhizz learning blog
Year 7/8 Tech

Year 5/6 - Detective Work
11:20 AMspeech digi award refection
11:40 AMdigi award canter math mathwhizz
12:00Lunchtime Eat
12:40 PMSilent ReadingSilent ReadingSilent ReadingSilent Reading
Winter Sport
1:00 PMdigi award math pierates canter math
1:20 PMspeech canter math commenting
1:40 PMLunchtime Play
2:00 PM
canter math
Jobs & Pack Up
Winter Sport
Kapa Haka
2:50 PMJobs & Pack UpJobs & Pack Up

Thursday, August 10, 2017

William Pike

William pike Image result for hot rocks blowing up
Today william pike came to our school. what was awesome he only has one leg because. He was in mount ruapehu when it erupted the hot black rocks crush one of his leg. So  he had to get it chop off what seems scary and  painful. heres some photos

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

I went to the amazing book awards

Today   we went to St Margaret's College for the NZ Children and Young Adults  book awards.
Image result for new zealand book award logo
Today was really fun because we went to St margaret's we saw lots of my sisters friends there from out of school what was really nice. We went because it was 6 famous book  writers in new zealand what was really interesting. We were learning about their books. My favorite two  was  Jenny Cooper because she not a writer she draws photos so that's why I like her my other favorite is Leonie Agnew because she has the impossible boy what seems interesting I really want to read the book. Here photos IMG_3188.JPG

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Learning blog

Learning blog

Have you rid this book before  David Williams it's a great book. Why is it my favorite book because it's got lots of amazing words it's so funny. You have to get the book no waiting just go and get it. Its called THE WORST CHILDREN 2 3 Aug 2017 10:05:05.jpg

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

How to write a quality comment

Will you get the golden buzzer next time you blog ???